James McGreevey, the disgraced former of Governor of New Jersey, has been hired as an "executive in residence" at Kean University. One of the classes he will teach - ETHICS!!!!
This is an illustration in today's Philadelphia Inquirer that was part of the commentary by Thomas Gilbert about the eastern U.S. losing forests to development. Gilbert is the director of eastern forest conservation with the Wilderness Society. If you'd like to read the commentary, click here.
Here's an illustration I did for today's Philadelphia Inquirer that accompanied a commentary by Fred Jacobs, about the passing of the first year of New Jersey's smoking ban. Jacobs is the commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. I would post a link to the story, but apparently it isn't on the Inquirer's website.
Sometimes, there is no ignoring a story. With everything going on with Virginia Tech, I knew it was only a matter of time before one of the newspapers I do cartoons for asked for one covering the event. I was afraid, because I didn't want to do Hokie Birds or Uncle Sam crying, no bulletholes in the chalkboard or blood-stained bookbags. But at the same time, I didn't want to exploit the events for a cheap joke. So this is what I came up with.