Saturday, January 05, 2008

Rudy for President, or we're all going to DIE!!!

Mike Huckabee thinks Canada's capital is an igloo

From Boing Boing:
Mike Huckabee may have won the Iowa primary, but does he really think that Canada's Parliament resides in a "national igloo?" Rick Mercer's comedic Canadian TV show "Talking to Americans" (asking people on the streets of US cities nonsensical questions about Canada to see if they call shenanigans or whether they become genuinely alarmed at the idea that, say, the Canadian elderly are set adrift on ice floes instead of being sent to retirement homes) caught Huckabee on video during his days as governor of Arkansas and asked him to send a message of support to Canada and its struggling "national igloo," a notional ice-sculpture scale replica of the White House in which the Canadian Parliament meets and debates.

View the video here.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Colorado: Mike Coffman casts his vote

Colorado political cartoon, Mike Coffman, conflict of interest

Here is today's cartoon for PolitickerCO. I won't try to sum up the mess that Secretary of State Mike Coffman has found himself in, the good people at Progress Now have already done that for me:
Election experts recommended that Coffman reject the voting machines of all four companies under consideration for use in Colorado in 2008. But earlier this week Coffman approved use of only one of those voting machines--the one manufactured by Premier Election Systems. Formerly Diebold Election Systems, Premier is represented by the same political consultants running Coffman's congressional campaign. And just last week the New York Times reported that Premier's voting machines and central servers are easily corrupted.

Colorado's Potential Election Fiasco
Colorado Confidential

Sec. of state's campaign advisers also represent e-voting firm
Rocky Mountain News

What's Obama doing in Nevada?

Nevada Political cartoons, Nevada caucus, barack obama

The Iowa caucus may happen tonight, but it's only sixteen days until the Nevada Caucuses are held. You might ask what's Obama doing in this cartoon? Well, you'll have to click on his face or navigate to PolitickerNV to find out!

Campaign: Mistaken claims about Nevada unintentional
Las Vegas Review-Journal

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Survivor New Jersey

New Jersey, political cartoon, Bill Pascrell, Scott Garrett, Steve Rothman, Rodney Frelinghuysen, Jim Saxton,  Mike Ferguson

Here's today's cartoon for PolitickerNJ.

New Jersey is expected to lose a House seat after the 2010 census. That's going to leave 13 representatives scrambling for 12 seats. Complicating things are the resignations of Saxton and Ferguson from the race, putting those seats into play for the democrats.

The 2012 race could be very interesting, especially if it pits incumbent against incumbent in a no holds barred cage match to see who gets to stay, and who has to go.

I just think we should already be planning a reality TV show around it.

New Jersey set to lose a House seat

An Oregon protest

Larry George, Bruce Hanna, Ted Ferrioli, Oregon politics, Oregon political cartoons

Here's today's cartoon for PolitickerOR.

Oregon's legislature only holds sessions every other year, but in this upcoming session they are trying a supplemental legislative session to make is once a year. Sen. Larry George is suing the leadership in both chambers to try and halt the supplemental session because it violates the constitution.

I wonder if I can sue for working more than twice in two years :)

A February Legislative Session? Not So Fast, Says State Senator
Willamette Week

And weeee'rrrrrreeee baaaaacccckkkk!!!

Andy Harris, E.J. Pipkin, Wayne Gilchrest, Maryland politics, Maryland political cartoon

Another week, another holiday. I hope all of you out there on the internets had a blast on New Years!!!

This cartoon is for PolitickerMD. In the first district, there's been a fight over a recent poll, showing E.J. Pipkin slightly ahead of Andy Harris, but both still behind Wayne Gilchrest. Pipkin held up the poll like a trophy, while Harris heavily disputed it.

New poll energizes Pipkin campaign

Monday, December 31, 2007

Best of 2007

I can't believe that tomorrow will be 2008! It seems like this year has gone by so fast. Again, my thanks has to go to New Jersey, for providing me with such great content, that it's hard for a cartoonist to go wrong!

This is my second year as a professional cartoonist, and a lot has happened on that front in 2007. I began doing cartoons for PoliticsNJ, a great local site on New Jersey politics. Who would've guessed that a couple months later they'd be changing their name to PolitickerNJ and expanding into 6 new states, with more to come in 2008.

It's been difficult sometimes to come up with ideas for states clear across the country, but Ive found that much like New Jersey, each state has it's own particular interests and political environment.

Here are some of the best of my Non-New Jersey Politicker toons so far:

Thanks to everyone that's been keeping up with my cartoons, and have a Happy New Year!!!!