Saturday, April 05, 2008

Caption Contest Winner

Hillary lets Nancy Pelosi know how far she'll go to secure the nomination thanks to the winning caption provided by Doug of Manchester, New Hampshire. A signed print of the cartoon is on your way.

Here are the runner-ups:

"I want a chopper, Michigan, Florida and more time on SNL or the jack ass gets it!"
- Chris from Stockton, New Jersey

"I didn't put up with Bill's crap to quit now!"
- Amod from Portland, Maine

Thanks for all your entries. Check back Monday for a new caption contest.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Today's cartoons

And don't forget to check back tomorrow when the winner of the caption contest is revealed!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Where are the Julio Diaz's of the world?

I read so much news that sometimes it becomes this constant wave of information that I just parse through to get what I need.

But then sometime to come across a story like this, from NPR, and it just makes your day.

If you can listen to it, it's much better. But reading it is just as good. And ask yourself, "Could you have done what Julio Diaz did?"

Check out the story here.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam!!

How cool does this look? It's a new Shazam comic being produced by Mike Kunkel of Herobear and the Kid fame.

You can check out character designs here.

Sketches here.

And read their blog here.

Does Anything Beat The Third Man ?

Warning: DO NOT WATCH if you've never seen the movie!!!!

And lingering questions about Bush's legacy?

Mother Jones has a profile of Murat Kurnaz as well as a timeline of his experiences.

UPDATED: All New Politicker Cartoon Caption Contest

UPDATE: If you have any ideas, and you don't live in one of the states below, email me your suggestion at Remember to give me your name, city and state.

Brand new starting this week, compete in our Cartoon Caption Contest! Challenge your office co-workers, friends and families!

Come up with a pointed caption for this cartoon and post it in the Politicker site of your home state. Here's a list:

New Jersey
New Hampshire

Make sure to keep your suggestions clean (this is a family website) and keep them brief (brevity is the soul of wit). When you post, include your name and the name of the city and state where you live. Your deadline is noon Friday.

We'll post the winner's name and caption here Saturday morning, along with several runner-ups. If you send us your name and address, we'll mail the winning writer a color print of the cartoon with the caption, signed by Rob Tornoe. Please allow at least 4 weeks for delivery.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at

Good luck, and have fun!