Saturday, January 26, 2008
Awesome Wuerking Cartoon from Politico
Check out this awesome cartoon by Matt Wuerking over at I love the fact that he's able to use traditional media to color his cartoons. I've stuck with Photoshop mostly, which is quick and easy, just to hit my deadlines. I'm looking forward to playing with Painter more. Nick Anderson over at the Houston Chronicle has produced some amazing cartoons that way.
New Jersey: Corzine Hearts Toll Road Hikes
Click on image for full cartoonDespite heavy opposition, Jony-boy is still pushing his toll road plan, not considering alternatives, AND asking to borrow even more money, something that he said would stop.
What's next? Corzine asking people to send their rebate checks to Trenton to help pay down their share of the budget deficit?
Corz: Borrow another $2.5B to resume building schools
Jersey Journal
Friday, January 25, 2008
Maine: Steve King Picks Someone To Endorse
Click on image for full cartoonWho's reading a copy of Steven King's latest work? You'll have to truck it over to to find out!
Vermont: Pollina's Got MAD MONEY!!!
Click on image for full cartoonPollina’s crew admits to play fast and loose with the numbers
Philip Burke's NY Observer Painting
Check out this awesome Philip Burke paining that accompanies a piece at the New York Observer by Gillian Reagan and Lizzy Ratner about Hillary Clinton being seen as a 'Phallic Woman.'
You can check out the story here.
Justin Bilicki Draws...on Video.
Earlier in the week, I posted a video of Jeff Danziger talking about cartooning. Here's a video of Justin Bilicki, who does editorial cartoons for the New York Press, doing a cartoon from start to finish. I haven't had the chance to meet Justin yet, but there's always the next AAEC con. I've always dug his stuff, and I'm amazed how large he works.
Here's his blog, and here's the video."
Who's Super Bowl Is It?
I don't really have anything witty to say on this one, so I'll let this photo I found of a seemingly drunk Eli Manning do all the talking:
Here's the sketch:
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Colorado: Clinton and Daschle Coming To Town?
Click on image for full cartoonDo the major presidential candidates care about Colorado?
Apparently not enough to actually show up! Hilary has decided to send her attack dog-in-chief Bill Clinton to headline a Denver fund-raiser for her White House bid next Wednesday. Unfortunately, Obama won't be there for him to attack. Instead, Barack is deploying former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, who will lead a reception and briefing on behalf Obama the same day.
Clinton, Daschle coming to town
Politics West - Denver Post
Here's the sketch:
barack obama,
Bill Clinton,
Hillary Clinton,
Tom Daschle
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Colorado: Can You Guess Tomorrow's Cartoon
Here's a snippet of my cartoon for tomorrow for Anyone have any guess what it going to end up as?
And for funny Bill Clinton photos, the internet is replete, but this is the funniest one I saw today:
Jeff Danziger Talks About Cartooning
Saw this interview of syndicated political cartoonist Jeff Danziger posted over on Mike Lynch's blog, so I thought I'd share it here.
New Jersey: Lonegan Behind Bars
Click on image for full cartoonFor those of you that may have not heard, the former Mayor of Bogota, conservative activist Steve Lonegan, was arrested outside of Middle Township High School in Cape May County while Corzine was giving one of his toll-road seminars.
And according to the Star-Ledger, Corzine insisted his office had nothing to do with the arrest of Lonegan, even though the mayor of Middle Township said local police acted at the direction of the governor's staff.
Here are a bunch of interesting links to different stories at to sink your teeth into.
Watch the video of Steve Lonegan's arrest
Kean wants A.G. to investigate Lonegan arrest
NJASB spokesman clarifies school board rules
Hold me accountable,
Jon Corzine,
Steve Lonegan
Marlyand: What's E.J. Pipkin Shooting At?
Click on image for full cartoonWhate is E.J. Pipkin shooting at? Click on the image or head over to to find out!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hillary's Greatest Weapon
Click on image for full cartoonBill Clinton hasn't been bashful in this campaign. He's made a series of personal attacks about Barack Obama on the campaign trail since December.
Obama's hands have been tied by the fact that it's tough attacking a figure like the former president, but maybe he doesn't have too. According to the Guardian, over the last couple of days, Clinton's derogatory and often tetchy remarks have alienated and angered many senior Democrats previously loyal to Clinton, particularly African-Americans. This is especially important in South Carolina, where Hillary has deployed her 'first-husband' to campaign against Obama while she moves on to greener, Feb. 5th pastures.
Clinton plan: Let Bill lash out
Here's the sketch:
Can John McCain Find Love?
Click on image for full cartoonCan John McCain get any love from the GOP. Fresh off a vindicating victory in South Carolina, McCain has packed up the straight-talk express and headed straight for the Sunshine State, for a face-off with all-but-forgotten Rudy Giuliani.
Meanwhile, the GOP acts like a rich man at a whore house, not being able to determine where to throw his money, or which girl to choose.
Here's the sketch:
Oregon: Wingard Not Going Anywhere...For Now
Click on image for full cartoonMatt Wingard is staying in the race for State representative in Oregon's 26th district. Here's how told the story:
The Willamette Week is reporting that Matt Wingard, a young TV reporter and GOP up-and-comer who’s seeking the seat, has admitted to pleading guilty to hitting his son back in 2001, who was seven years old at the time.Wingard says he'll stay in race despite domestic violence allegation
Here's the sketch:
Monday, January 21, 2008
Nevada: Culinary's help sent back to the chef
Click on image for full cartoonThe Culinary Union's endorsement of Barack Obama in Nevada was supposed to seal the deal for him. How could Hillary Clinton overcome the turnout in voters that the Culinary Union could provide?
Well, she did, winning seven of the nine at-large caucus sites on the Strip. They were the same sites Bill had criticized as giving an unfair advantage to the 60,000-strong union.
So in the secondary battle, D. Taylor, the head of the Culinary Union, lost to Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid, the son of Harry Reid who helped push out the vote for Hillary. It was a risky move for Rory, but it looks like it paid off.
barack obama,
D. Taylor,
Hillary Clinton,
Rory Reid
New Hampshire: Kucinich controls the votes
Click on image for full cartoonToday we welcome the newest memember to the Politicker family,
Dennis Kucinich may not be making too many waves out there in the Democratic primary, to the point where the Texas Supreme Court isn't allowing him to be on their ballot, but the one place he is making a difference in New Hampshire. He has paid $27,000 to the Secretary of State's office to start a re-count of the primary vote in the Granite State. Election officials say that the recount, which officially began last week, could take up to a month, and could ultimately cost Kucinich $70,000 to re-count the entire state.
Supreme Court keeps Kucinich off Texas primary ballot
Houston Chronicle
N.H. Primary Democratic Re-Count Under Way
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