If you haven't heard, Sonny McCullough, the acting state senator in the 2nd district that took over Bill Gormely's empty seat, told an off-color joke to PoliticNJ's Max Pizarro during an interview in Atlantic County last week.
As reported by the Press of Atlantic City this morning:
"Max Pizarro of politicsnj.com, told The Press of Atlantic City that he and McCullough were outside a Chinese restaurant earlier this week when the senator broke into a story about how he ran into an Asian couple at the mall whom he had married a year earlier as Egg Harbor Township mayor. As Pizarro relayed the joke, the couple pushed a stroller carrying a black baby, McCullough asked the baby's name and the mother replied, 'Sum Ting Wong'"
To me, the joke isn't terrible, and I think the democrats, in full campaign mode, are of course overreacting. That doesn't mean that McCullough is an idiot for saying it. He was already facing a tough fight against the former mayor of Atlantic City, Jim Wheelan. We'll have to see if this becomes his "Macaca" moment.
Dems slam McCullough for racist joke
McCullough: Sorry for dumb joke
In Atlantic Senate contest, the brawl goes on
UPDATE: Those of you that logged on this morning might have noticed that I originally drew this cartoon with Joe Biden offering McCullough the shoehorn. I talked to my editor, and we decided that it might be funnier to New Jersey readers if we changed Biden to Imus, fresh from his Rutgers "Nappy-Headed ho" incident. It is now changed, in my opinion for the better (I love having awesome editors), but the original version can be seen below: