Thursday, January 03, 2008

Colorado: Mike Coffman casts his vote

Colorado political cartoon, Mike Coffman, conflict of interest

Here is today's cartoon for PolitickerCO. I won't try to sum up the mess that Secretary of State Mike Coffman has found himself in, the good people at Progress Now have already done that for me:
Election experts recommended that Coffman reject the voting machines of all four companies under consideration for use in Colorado in 2008. But earlier this week Coffman approved use of only one of those voting machines--the one manufactured by Premier Election Systems. Formerly Diebold Election Systems, Premier is represented by the same political consultants running Coffman's congressional campaign. And just last week the New York Times reported that Premier's voting machines and central servers are easily corrupted.

Colorado's Potential Election Fiasco
Colorado Confidential

Sec. of state's campaign advisers also represent e-voting firm
Rocky Mountain News

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