Barack Obama appeared on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' earlier last week, and delivered his second top ten list. Now is your chance to take your game to the next level and do a better job than the paid writers on the Late Show staff (just no strikes please).
Come up with a pointed caption for this cartoon and post it in the comments link here. Keep it clean (this is a family website) and keep it brief (brevity is the soul of wit). When you post, include your name and the name of the city where you live. If you wish to remain anonymous from others, simply email your caption idea to me at Your deadline is noon Friday.
We'll post the winner's name and caption here Saturday morning, along with several runner-ups. If you send us your name and address, we'll mail the winning writer a color print of the cartoon with the caption, signed by Rob Tornoe. Please allow at least 4 weeks for delivery.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me at
Good luck, and have fun! Place your caption suggestion here.