Chris Christie, the former U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, is continuing his "let's wait and see" approach about running against Jon Corzine for Governor in 2009.
Despite having little experience as a criminal prosecutor when George W. Bush appointed him in 2002, Christie has been a political corruption buster, amassing 130 political corruption convictions without a single acquittal.
But, in the last year, he received a blemish on his record when he handed his one-time boss, former U.S. Attorney John Ashcroft, a contract worth between $27 million and $52 million to monitor a medical device company for 18 months. Democrats challenged the no-bid deal, which lead to new Justice Department guidelines on how federal monitors are selected.
Will it come back and bite him? Who knows. We'll see if Steve Lonegan puts together a commercial with money changing hands, as Ashcroft sings in the background, "Let the eagles soar..."
This is not the only skeleton in Christie's closet. He was originally on the list of prosecutor's to be fired by the Bush administration, but then he politicized his office, opening a bogus "investigation" into old, disproven charges against Bob Menendez in the middle of his campaign for U.S. Senate. Alberto Gonzales fied some prosecutors for refusing to politicize their offices; Christie represents the flip side of that coin -- a prosecutor who buckled to pressure to politicize his office. He thereby saved his job. He is unfit for public office.
There is no evidence that Christie did anything to buckle under any pressure. He did more to rid NJ of corrupt politicians than either McGreevey or Corzine. No one can say with a straight face that the federal monitor contract that went to Ashcroft's firm makes Christie unfit, but Corzine's 4 years of failure is A-OK.
Is Bigfoot True or pseudo? For over 400 years, there have been reporting’s of a guy like animal that is definitely totally covered in hair.
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