Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy Holidays!

 rob tornoe, tornoe, bolt comics, editorial cartoon, political cartoon, Press of Atlantic City, Stay the Course, Iraq, Playstation 3, Christmas shopping
Well, after a long weekend at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Connecticut, I'm up-and-running again. As it is the last leg of the Christmas shopping season, I figured a cartoon about the unavailability of the Playstation 3 was appropriate.

The futility of waiting in line for one of these $500-plus toys made me think about our current policy in Iraq, and our relentless struggle to keep the country from falling apart.

The government is doing about as good in Iraq as mothers' are here as they try to wrap their fingers around one of these slippery little devices. Good luck to both!


Rian said...

Could it be possible that I'm waiting in line for a Playstation 3?

Rob Tornoe said...

Could be. At least I'm giving you a reason to frequently check out my blog.

Rian said...

I check out all of our classmates' blogs/websites frequently as long as they're updated with some regularity.

Also, I'm proud to say that I was not one of the many idiots who stood around for hours trying to get a PS3. I've heard several reports of people having been robbed or killed while in line. Seems like such a waste since the first generation of systems are reputedly plagued by problems relating to freezing up after a few hours of play. Nonetheless, I'm happy to be included in a strip. After all, I've apparently drawn several of you, here lately, whether I knew it or not.