Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Public Service Announcement

Phew! Luckily, I received the following email from an anonymous well-wisher who just wanted to make sure my genitals aren't mistreated:
Choosing your penis enlargement method you should remember that some widely advertised methods are either ineffective or dangerous. Some advertisements are based on lies, lack of medical knowledge or are just frauds. Choose ExpressHerbals penis enlargement device to achieve penis size you dream of in a safe and medically approved way.

To reach your dream penis size you have just to order ExpressHerbals. It will be shipped quickly and discreetly and delivered just on time. Your life is going to change from then on.

I can't wait to reach my 'dream penis size!!!' But my favorite line is at the end of the email. My only question is why haven't we seen this on a billboard somewhere?
Make large penis your recipe for success.

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